Transcendental Meditation Research: Universities and Research Centers

 Research on the Transcendental Meditation Technique

Universities and Research Centers

Studies have been conducted at more than 200 universities and research centers including:

Medical Schools:

Harvard Medical School

Medical College of Georgia

Medical College of Wisconsin

Stanford Medical School

UCLA Medical School

University of California Medical School, San Francisco

University of Chicago Medical School

University of Colorado Medical Center

University of Michigan Medical School

University of Southern California Medical School

University of Virginia Medical Center

Yale Medical School


Boston University

Cornell University

George Washington University

Harvard University

Indiana University

Maharishi University of Management

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Ohio State University

Pennsylvania State University

Princeton University

Purdue University

Stanford University


University of Arkansas

University of California, Berkeley

University of California, San Diego

University of Florida

University of Georgia

University of Kansas

University of Maryland

University of Massachusetts

University of Michigan

University of Minnesota

University of Oklahoma

University of Pittsburgh

University of Southern California

University of Tennessee

University of Texas, Austin

University of Washington

West Virginia University

Xavier University

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